Intersnack Deutschland SE

Sustainability Gold

Increased score in 2024

Intersnack is proud to report that our EcoVadis sustainability journey continues.

After first achieving a Silver medal in 2022, and Gold in 2023, this year we have been awarded EcoVadis Gold for the second year running!

Going Gold again

Achieving gold again is a particularly strong performance given that EcoVadis has raised the bar for 2024, requiring more points to achieve the gold ranking than last year. 

Despite this, we achieved an improved score which ranks us amongst the top 5% of all companies across all industries rated by EcoVadis internationally or within the top 2% of all food companies when measured against our industry average.  

Strong results for Sustainable Procurement 

Our scores were particularly strong in the areas of Sustainable Procurement and for Labour & Human Rights, which has a lot of importance for the food industry and particular weight in the EcoVadis methodology.  We are now in the top 1% of all food companies for Sustainable Procurement!     

This Gold EcoVadis rating endorses the measurable steps Intersnack is taking to implement sustainable practice throughout our supply chain and all that we do. And for us, that means building more trust with our partners and consumers, snack by snack. 

Why this matters

Businesses everywhere need to think beyond their immediate stakeholders, manage their impacts and engage in activities that benefit everyone. As the saying goes, “you cannot manage what you cannot measure”: that’s where EcoVadis comes in. It’s an independent, third-party assessor that analyses organisationalsustainability and social impact performance.

The EcoVadis assessment evaluates how effectively a business incorporates principles of sustainability across four key areas:

  • Environment
  • Labour & Human Rights
  • Ethics (fair business practices)
  • Sustainable Procurement

A Gold Rating from EcoVadis means we are taking tangible, measurable steps towards building a better business by implementing sustainability throughout our supply chain and in all that we do. And for us, that means building more trust with our partners and consumers, snack by snack.


A fantastic achievement!

Read more about our progress and the specific projects that are driving our sustainability commitments forward in our latest sustainability report.  


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